On the morning of March 30, 2020, Denver Command Pilot Phil Rosnik took off from Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport with 85 pounds of hand
sanitizer in his Cessna Turbo 182 for delivery to Wray Community District
Hospital. Colorado Hospital Association (CHA), like all others across America, is struggling to get urgently needed supplies to rural hospitals.

Our pilots partnered with Colorado Hospital Association to fly much needed supplies to medical facilities in remote regions of CO. Special thanks to pilots pictured, Lynn McCollough, Bill Knorr, and Phil Rosnik, for making this possible!
“Forty-three percent of Colorado’s hospitals are rural,” says CHA Vice President Julie Lonborg, “which can present challenges when trying to restock vital supplies quickly. Colorado Hospital Association is incredibly grateful to AFW and its volunteer pilots for making their service available.”
Wray’s CEO John Hart said, “Wray Community District Hospital is grateful
for AFW today. Cases of hand sanitizers were delivered this morning and
distributed to the hospital, clinic, and nursing home. Thanks to Phil Rosnik with a heartfelt elbow bump for making the delivery. This is great coordination with many entities from the front range to the eastern plains!”
Phil adds, “Every day I get to fly is a good day, but a day when I get to fly an
AFW mission is a great day. Having a meaningful way to help out in a crisis, or to help bring a patient to needed treatment, is a special privilege for a life-long general aviation pilot!”