“With Love, From Strangers” is not just a sign-off phrase at the bottom of a letter — it’s the name of a nonprofit organization begun by Dr. Christina Thuet. After spending many years as a pediatrician caring for children of southwest tribal communities, Dr. Thuet knew all too well the battle against COVID-19 in this geographically isolated and resource-limited region. As the infection rate on the Navajo Nation began rising rapidly in March, she began contacting everyone for donations and many “strangers” came forward including AFW. (Ultimately, the Navajo Nation held the position as the highest infection per capita rate in the country in May.)
Dr. Thuet’s nonprofit has banded together with AFW and volunteers from all over Utah and other states, and in only six weeks delivered over 40 tons of much-needed PPE, medical supplies, and family care items on 130+ flights to 11 healthcare facilities and tribal communities spread across the Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, White Mountain Apache and San Juan Paiute reservations. AFW Wing Leadership volunteer Joanne Brattain introduced Dr. Thuet to AFW and pilots Mark Miller and Steve Bollinger. On the occasion of the partnership’s 100th COVID-19 relief mission, Steve said, “Since we hadn’t been able to fly our normal missions for patients during the pandemic, we’re grateful to be able to help those that have been hit the hardest.”
A physician at one recipient hospital wrote, “We wanted you to know how palpable the confidence was when we received the reusable PPE gowns you delivered. Three days after your gowns arrived our disposable supply would have been critically low. So thank you, again.”
If you’d like to learn more about With Love, From Strangers go to: